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Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Christmas Shopping

Today I hit the local shopping mall (Erina Fair) and was there from about 3:30pm until 7:15pm shopping.  I can't really recall ever spending that long engaged in retail therapy in the past, and it was quite an exhausting process.  My legs are going to be killing me today - they are already aching severely even as I type.

I did not completely finish my Christmas shopping, but came very close.  I'm also going to have to go back as two products I bought are not right.  One, a calculator, simply does not work and another was not as described.  The sales representative either fully misled me, or at least was horribly mistaken.  Anyway, I have the receipts and original packaging, and the Trade Practices Act is with me on both counts.  I'll let you know how it goes, dear readers.

Yesterday, I head from Margy Osmond , spokesperson for the Retailer Traders' Association that there was a quick poll taken of consumers.  They were asked "have you completed your Christmas shopping yet?" and 70% replied they hadn't.  Of those 70%, a whopping 30% stated that they HADN'T EVEN STARTED!

I commenced my shopping a few weeks ago, and judging by how taxing a pastime it is, I'd hate to be in that situation only four days before Christmas.  I guess a lot of people like to literally leave things to the last minute.  I am one to always sail close to the wind with regard to deadlines, but even I wouldn't like to be THAT close!  As I mentioned, I have two purchases to rectify.  If I'd left it until the last day, there'd be no chance of rectification at all...

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