I need to get a few photos off my new Nokia mobile phone that Mum and Dad bought me for Christmas. They were shot on our trip to Sydney on Sunday. Taking pictures and recording of the Cliff Richard Concert was strictly forbidden but it's not something that is enforced too well.
Gee, people need to figure out how to turn the flashes off on their cameras. There were photo flashes going off all the time in the Entertainment Centre, and unless you're within three metres of the subject a flash does you no good at all! All it does is freak out the artists on stage, although I think they were fairly impervious to it in this case. I hate it when people do it at our drama group plays, however - as it's very distracting for an actor. You certainly don't need to use flashes in theatres - there is more than enough light already provided!
Worse, I suppose, is when you see people taking photos of FIREWORKS using flashes... Apart from the three metre concept, so the flash has no effect at all, you're taking a photo of a light source, so if the flash did actually work, it'd reduce the light image you're trying to record... Ah well, I digress.
It's just that you'd think that if taking photographs was strictly prohibited (as is written on the tickets and on signs up all over the place) you'd want to do it clandestinely and not announce your presence to all and sundry by setting off a whopping great flash of light each time you take a photo! After all, if push came to shove, you'll be infringing your ticket conditions by doing so and giving the organisers a perfect right to eject you from the concert with no comeback possible at all on your part.
What (also) cheeses me off, however, is the Nokia USB port, and the main reason for this post. The Nokia has a standard USB symbol over the connector cover, and I had just had a cursory glance at it before. I have three sizes of USB cables down here with the computer - USB B, USB Mini and USB Micro A and I reckoned the small one was going to be fine.
Well ... none of them work - Nokia have used a USB Micro B connector, which I haven't got, and they didn't provide it with the phone, unfortunately. It's actually slightly larger than a USB Micro A connector, but flatter.
Anyway, I've ordered one online and it should arrive in the next few days. I got one for $14.95 plus $9.95 postage and handling from a phone accessory place in Brisbane. Nokia sell them for $39.95 plus postage and handling which I didn't bother looking up. You know why they do this sort of thing, don't you? I'll now have a range of four USB cables, let's hope I don't have to buy yet another one in the future sometime!
Brenda Bryant is indisposed.
RINKLY RIMES, therefore, is closed.
Thanks for all the many times
You kept me going with my rhymes.
She may ret...
12 years ago
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