Well after busking Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun last week (5 nights straight), and singing all roles to the Rocky Horror Show (including Janet) on the way back in the car on Sunday, I didn't really notice much on Monday, but come Christmas Day I had bad laryngitis. Couldn't get any high notes AT ALL.
So I've been gargling salt water, taking vitamin C, using Honey and resting the voice ever since. It's not quite back even today (Thursday), but I still hope to go out Friday, regardless. There might be a few songs I can't do ("Hang On Help is On Its Way" by LRB is one that springs to mind). On Christmas Day I was hoping to sing Christmas Songs at APAC, but I didn't, because I couldn't. I've sung a few songs today, and it seems a lot better, but still not 100%. This sort of cost me money, as I was actually expecting to go out on Christmas Night - but that never happened :-(
Anyway, it's a reminder I'm not superman. (Hey, that's a Five for Fighting song I might put in.... or maybe 100 Years?)
Brenda Bryant is indisposed.
RINKLY RIMES, therefore, is closed.
Thanks for all the many times
You kept me going with my rhymes.
She may ret...
12 years ago
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