I have already commented on this <If theres a job to be done > but strangely enough I've just been hit by a classic example.
I was driving down to the shops, and noticed a rather large tree branch on the road in the opposite direction. Coming the other way was a vehicle which actually had to stop, wait for me to come through, then proceed. So I bet you can guess what I did? Bingo! I stopped on the side of the road, got out, and lifted the branch up on to the footpath. (Hmm, I guess I should have been done for obstructing the footpath, but I figured it was the lesser of two evils).
When I used to live "forty miles back of Kempsey" (literally I actually did, back in 1987) we used to traverse the (dirt) roads from Taylor's Arm (home to the Cosmopolitan Hotel, better known as the Pub with no Beer and not much else) up to Millbank. You'd often come across fallen tree branches. And you'd often stop and shift them off the road. No-one else would, and if you'd waited for Council it could take many months. In fact where we were living was right on the boundary of the then Macleay Shire (Now Kempsey Shire) and Nambucca Shire, and the maintenance guys didn't get out there all too often at all.
We once ran out of petrol on the corner of Taylor's Arm Road and Baker's Creek Road. We just stopped right in the middle of the intersection, prepared to flag down a passing motorist. I thought it was a good spot to break down as we were right at the T-junction of two reasonably major roads. The time was 9pm. Johnno and I spent a night in an extremely cold Kombi van, and the very next car to pass stopped and had a 20 litre drum of petrol with him. Problem is it wasn't until just after 6am the next morning.
As another aside, we paid $10 for the 20 litre drum we got from the guy . And at that point in time it would have actually cost just under $10 to fill a 20 litre drum. 1987 as I said.
Brenda Bryant is indisposed.
RINKLY RIMES, therefore, is closed.
Thanks for all the many times
You kept me going with my rhymes.
She may ret...
12 years ago
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