I can't believe I haven't blogged since day 7 of the New Zealand Trip! This was nearly two months ago. For the first couple of weeks after coming back I was rather crook and didn't even turn the computer on; I started to get a little better later, but have just had so much else to do. Looking back at the New Zealand posts everything looks really nice - some of the best looking blog entries posted here. I can't believe they were made under such adverse conditions in hostel internet cafes! (Mind you the Wellington one was typed up on the laptop and then cut and pasted into the blog, rather than created online at exorbitant internet access rates. Amazingly, Wellington was the only hostel we stayed in that had WiFi internet access).
In the last couple of weeks I have been creating a commercial website, and so typing for pleasure is not what I've been looking forward to. However that site is now getting to a decent level of completeness (finally) so I have a bit more time to myself. I'll try to do a blog post at least every second day from here on.
I suppose I should plug the website I've created if you'd like to see what I've been doing instead of blogging. The URL is http://www.optimumair.com.au/ and it's for Optimum Air Conditioning on the NSW Central Coast. I'll add it to the list of my websites over on the right hand side for future reference.
Oh, by they way, I'm after any commissions for websites. As you can see from my sites they are done in Frontpage and aren't full of magical graphical whizz-bangery. However I do try to provide USEFUL CONTENT in a very personalised and customisable form. I aim for a website that users will keep coming back to in order to learn from, rather than one that looks flashy but once you've seen it once or twice it serves no more purpose.
I'm cheap, too! So if you reckon it's just about time to get your business a web presence, just drop me an email via the blog link at the top of the page, or add a comment here.
Brenda Bryant is indisposed.
RINKLY RIMES, therefore, is closed.
Thanks for all the many times
You kept me going with my rhymes.
She may ret...
12 years ago
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