Well, despite the best intentions, time has been the killer in posting to the blog. Did I not promise to try posting every second day at least? One post in the last two months has not been a good record!
One thing that has become apparent, however, is my quest to track down prior friends, acquaintances and relatives. I have setup a website of school memorabilia at http://my.integritynet.com.au/wdgi but the problem with that is it is not interactive. People can reference the material there, but cannot interact.
What better mechanism for providing output and a forum for input than this very blog we are looking at now? In the next few weeks I will be publicising the existence of this site and hoping to get not only a few responses from users to me, but possibly some interaction between old acquaintences.
I'll also not stop at former schoolfriends. In a former life, back in the late 1980s I used to run a Bulletin Board System called Inquestor BBS on an Amiga computer in Newcastle. At one point it held a record for being the longest continually-running bulletin board in the Newcastle region. Note how many qualifications were needed in order to assert that record! In the early 1990s, however, two things happened. Firstly I moved to Toukley from Newcastle meaning the number of people in the local calling area diminished substantially, and secondly technology overtook bulletin boards, and this thing called the internet seemed to become a lot more significant than the esoteric academic/military plaything it had originated from. Our worldwide Fidonet Nodelist went from a size of well over 2 megabytes to what is now about 150k.
Hopefully we can catch up with a few Inquestor users over here as well. If you'd like to add your comment, PLEASE DO SO. You know how.
Incidentally, Inquestor still exists - last time I booted up the amiga last year it did, anyway. I might see what I can lift off the hard drive that might still be useful. In the meantime, another really useful website is http://fidonet.ozzmosis.com/ which contains a few posts even YOU may have typed!
Brenda Bryant is indisposed.
RINKLY RIMES, therefore, is closed.
Thanks for all the many times
You kept me going with my rhymes.
She may ret...
12 years ago
To break the ice, here's a comment - you should add yours as well. For instance, we are trying to compile a list of schoolfriends who have shuffled off this mortal coil. So far I was able to list:
ReplyDeleteChris Coble
Steven Gleeson
Melita Healy
Carol Jordan
Can you list anyone else?
Hi Pete,
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Greg Hackel.
Keep up the good work.
Murray Howard
Hey Mr. Howard, hows it hanging? Adam Tritton :)
DeleteWell I'm quite pleased that the list does not include me, others may not be quite so enraptured.
ReplyDeleteJust for motivation I'll quote old Mrs Kelly from my first day of year 12 English "you're still here" laced with all the venom the old raisin skinned vixen could muster.
Well I can't really say it worked that well at the time. However it sort of worked out reasonably well with a trade certificate, degree, masters and a grad dip. If the old dear isn't dead the shock of that could ;-)
Does anyone know if the year managed to produce a Phd student?
Not wrong, Murray. Was Robert Hackl who last saw this world one early morning at Scenic Drive San Remo near the power station walking home from Sylvester's. A hazardous undertaking by all accounts. Oh, and let me guess who Mrs Kelly's anonymous friend was - Steven Hemsworth? Or would you prefer to remain anonymous!!!!
ReplyDeleteAh yes, 1979 Mull was illegal, mullets were not. You could still see ads for firearms in the local paper, but no ads for adult services, or disservices. I think there was two sets of traffic lights one set at Doyalson which only came in 77, or 78, and one set in the main street of Wyong.
ReplyDeleteI'd better tell you HOW to post here - it's not all that straightforward, apparently!
ReplyDeleteWhen you type the comment, it then asks "Please Choose a Profile" in small orange print just near the "Post Comment" button, and just above it there's a drop-down menu listing a profile to use. If you have an existing profile (maybe you have a gmail address or a Google profile???) use that, but if not, you need to choose Name/URL (you don't need to type in the URL). Then you can add your name to the post.
You then need to click "Post Comment" again, and it'll pop up a preview window with a text "captcha" function to prove you're a human and not a spam-bot. Type in the wiggly letters on the screen and then and only then will the comment appear.
Another addition to the in memoriam is Stephen Rush who was killed in the same car accident as Stephen Gleeson.
Hi everyone
ReplyDeleteDeahne Campbell here, known in my school days as Deahne Gray. Glad to see I am not in the in memorium list just yet. Sad to think we lost so many fellow students to incidents involving cars.
Have managed to contact a few people from our year and would love to catch up with more.
Good on you Peter for starting up another great technologically savvy idea to get us all together.
Hope to catch up with more of you
Hi all
ReplyDeleteGotta just love technology... its been wonderful catching up with friends from school days.
David, don't forget our cross country track is where Lakehaven Shopping Centre is now and the surrounding bush is now all houses.
Anyway looking forward to catching up with more old friends...
ReplyDeleteDon't forget the old rickety wooden Toukley Bridge that we all jumped off at one stage in our teenage years. As well remembering the "blue light" discos at the hall near Wyong Leagues.
It is great to hear from fellow students and doing so causes memories to come flooding back!
In a good way of course
ReplyDeleteI should have added this
... "yep, you bloody ripper, checked in on this blog and once again, 'touch wood', I have managed to keep my name absent from the expanding list of deceased... to the families, friends and school colleagues we have lost, may they all rest in beautiful, eternal peace!"
ReplyDeleteAnd a shout-out to the one's still with us... take it easy, look after yourselves, slowdown, don't drink & drive, don't do drugs (unless you intend on sharing them, hello), go to your Dr's. appointments, don't piss your partner off, love your kids, hug your kids, erm, love your kids... finally, LOVE YOURSELF!!!
*footnote to Mr. Peter Deane; thanks mate for keeping us in contact, it is not an easy task, especially with what you have been dealing with lately... Adam Tritton